Archives for September 2011

Robert’s First Concert and Carnival Ride

This Sunday Robert went to his first concert and went on his first carnival ride.

In the early afternoon, we went to Mount Kisco where TJay was performing for the Mount Kisco Sales Day. This was very interesting for us, since Robert’s Mom and Dad saw TJay play in Pleasantville only a few weeks before Robert was born. He must have recognized the music, because he listed to the show attentively for an hour and a half. (Meanwhile, Jason was asleep.)

In the late afternoon, Robert and family went to the local church carnival where Robert rode on the Merry Go Round. He was very happy with the experience and had lots of fun!

Robert’s Expanding Vocabulary

Robert is now just over 1 year and 5 months old. At his last doctor’s visit he was 33 inches in height (82nd percentile) and 24 pounds 9 ounces in weight (40th percentile).

Besides getting a lot taller, he has also been speaking more. He can say many different words to cover a variety of topics.

The other day, we took some time to write down all of the words Robert can say. There are definitely more, but here are the ones we could think of, or that he was speaking throughout the day:

  • Mama
  • Daddy
  • Baba (Grandma in Bulgarian)
  • Dado (Grandpa in Bulgarian)
  • Bate (Big Brother in Bulgarian)
  • Car
  • Bag
  • Ball
  • Water
  • Juice
  • Vodka
  • Sticker
  • No
  • Pop (Lollipop)
  • Chao (Goodbye)
  • Bye
  • More
  • Bad
  • Buga (Bug)
  • Ant
  • Bath
  • Baby
  • Babies
  • Do
  • Up
  • This
  • Book
  • Hot
  • Hat
  • Apple
  • Go
  • Op (Open)
  • Uner (Under)
  • Elmo
  • Ducky
  • Monkey
  • Bravo

Here is a picture of Robert with two of his words.